
Gianluca Vassallo


Gianluca Vassallo is 44 years old, he lives and works in San Teodoro, Sardinia, and around the world.

He gets offended if people call him a photographer. His work is expressed through videos, sounds, photographs and installations. He pays particular attention to processes and the interpersonal area during production. 

His work has been displayed at galleries and various establishments in Italy and abroad.

Among these are: Caleum Gallery, New York (2017); Italian Institute of Culture, Stockholm (2017); Sardinian Foundation, Cagliari (2016/2017); Portugal Pavilion - Architecture Biennale, Venice (2016); Museum of Emigration, Asuni (2016); Foscarini Spazio - Soho, New York (2015,2016); Palazzo della Penna, Perugia (2014); Schauwerk Museum, Sindelfingen (2013, 2014); MAN Museum, Nuoro (2014); Stadtgalerie, Kiel (2014); Tempio di Adriano, Rome (2013); Masedu Museum, Sassari (2013); Meta Foundation, Alghero (2013); MART Museum, Rovereto (2012); PAN, Naples (2010).

He was one of the winners of the 2013 Terna Prize, Special Mention VAF Prize 2014. Some of his public art works have been displayed at Exposed (2013), Free Portrait (2013/2015), I was there (2016) Shoot Me Orlando (2016), The Invisible City (2016), Biancolabbra (2017). VOTE FOR ME (2018). His works feature in numerous publications, including, Faces, Peter Weiermair's book on contemporary portrait. 

He is the founder and artistic director of White Box Studio where, together with other Sardinian artists, he develops work for industrial design, fashion and publishing companies as well cultural institutions. Their work examines complex issues through the use of empathy and lightness as primary tools of expression.


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